To connect or not to connect?

Because of the recent press releases about my career change, I have received quite a few requests for contacts on LinkedIn. My rule so far has been that unless I have met somebody in person or we are part of the same group, I will not accept random invitations. I feel that quality over quantity is better.

I do not think that people would accept strangers on their Facebook page so why accept strangers on their LinkedIn profile?

Having worked for a Japanese company, I do have the business card reflex that a lot of people around me do not seem to have. I also do “LinkedIn” people that I meet rather than “Google” them. I feel that on a professional view point, it is better to look at their professional achievements and credentials rather than look at their Facebook postings. After a meeting, I do send invitations to people I met and do not feel offended if they do not accept me in their network.

I find the default connection message on LinkedIn appalling. I find frustrating that you can only change the default connection message from a desktop as receiving a message saying: “you are a person I trust and want to link with you” or “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn” is not really conducive to business. You would have thought that LinkedIn would know better






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