Tag: Productivity

  • Mastermind Group

    I would like to start a Mastermind Group. The idea is taken from Napoleon Hill’s book Think and grow rich.

  • An expensive self storage lesson

    Are you a long term user of self storage?

  • NLP course

    My NLP training choice

  • New year resolution… a week on

    Well what can I say? I failed miserably or did I? I have not stuck to all the resolutions but yet we are in the middle of a the worst winter I have ever experienced since coming to live in UK over 20 years ago. I still managed to get to work everyday, which is…

  • New year resolution

    Very much like 90% of the population, I have made a New Year resolution. This time, I actually went all the way… I recently read Your best year ever from Jenny Ditzler. I went through the book and then sat down to work the plan. Rather than do it in the recommended three hours session,…

  • Being more productive

    Emails Studies show that on average a worker checks his/her emails 30 times per day. The goal I would like to set to you is to only collect your emails in batches, let’s say 3 to 4 times per day. Only read company related emails and delete all non-business related emails. Unsubscribe yourself from any…