Tag: salaryman

  • The sneeze

    I am not easily startled out of my commuting reverie: the laughing school kids, squeaking shoes, mobile phones melodies and dozing salarymen on my shoulder do nothing but instill in me a sense of the familiar and safe.That was until recently, hay fever season! I have become haunted by an unsettling sound: The Sneezing Salaryman.The…

  • Chit Chat

    When on Monday morning I normally ask my colleagues what did you do for the weekend I always feel I am making a cultural faux pas: chatting to my colleagues during company time. Having been in Japan just six months I am still a novice to the Japanese culture.The Japanese perception of idleness fascinates me.…

  • The vomit

    You who have been in Japan before know what I am talking about, travelling JR in the evening. Well, I have had the experience of a lifetime this evening.Today was the End of the OBC’s dinner. We all went to dinner in a nice restaurant near the office. I left like everybody else around 9pm.…